Which finger is best for the pulse oximeter? The right middle finger and right thumb have statistically higher value, making them perfect for a pulse oximeter.The precision level of a pulse oximeter at saturations below 80 % is lowest. The precision level of a pulse oximeter at saturations 80 - 90% is intermediate. How accurate are finger pulse oximeters? The precision level or accuracy of a pulse oximeter at saturations 90-100% is high.If the reading drops below 90, this calls for the requirement of supplemental oxygen. What is the normal pulse rate in an oximeter? Typically, the normal reading of a pulse oximeter ranges from 95 to 100 percent.If the oxygen level dips below 94 percent, it is recommended that patients should immediately report to their doctor. The constant tracking of oxygen levels is highly important for patients suffering from the current pandemic. Step 8: Ideally, you should start tracking from the baseline and record at least 3-times a day to keep constant monitoring.Step 7: Record each reading with the utmost attention.Step 6: Note the result that is highest once it remains constant for five seconds.It is strongly recommended to keep the pulse oximeter in place for at least a minute or longer if the reading is constantly fluctuating. Step 5: The displayed reading may fluctuate at the beginning, so, have patience and be stable.Step 4: Now, switch on the pulse oximeter and place it either on the index finger or the middle finger.Step 3: Before taking a reading, rest your hand on your chest at heart level and hold it still.

Step 2: Take a rest for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to taking a measurement.If your hands are cold, you should warm them by rubbing them against each other. Step 1: For women, it is advisable to remove nail polish from the fingernails before putting their fingers inside the pulse oximeter.